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Baker, Zeke and Stephen E. Fick. 2022. “Loving It to Death: Land Use Conflict, Outdoor Recreation and the Contradictions of Wilderness in Southeast Utah, USA.” Environmental Sociology 1–17.

  • PDF download available here.


Baker, Zeke and Hunter Gehlbach. 2022. "Policy Dialogue: Teaching Environmentalism on a Warming Planet." History of Education Quarterly 62 (1): 107-119.

  • PDF download available here.


Baker, Zeke. 2021. “Anticipatory Culture: Weather, Climate, and Temporal Dissonance in the Bering Sea.” Weather, Climate & Society 13 (783-795).

  • PDF download available here.

Baker, Zeke. 2021. “Agricultural Capitalism, Climatology and the ‘Stabilization’ of Climate in the United States, 1850–1920. British Journal of Sociology 72(2): 379-396. .

  • PDF download available here.

Baker, Zeke, Julia A. Ekstrom, Kelsey D. Meagher, Benjamin L. Preston, and Louise Bedsworth. 2020. “The Social Structure of Climate Change Research and Practitioner Engagement: Evidence from California.” Global Environmental Change 63:102074.

Baker, Zeke. 2020. Review of The Gospel of Climate Skepticism: Why Evangelical Christians Oppose Action on Climate Change by Robin V. Globus. Review of Religious Research (Available online at this link).

Baker, Zeke. 2019.  “Three Propositions Toward a Cultural Sociology of Climate Change.” Pp. 95-103 in Hall, John R., Ming-Cheng Lo, and Laura Grindstaff (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Cultural Sociology.

  • A PDF copy of the chapter is available here.

Baker, Zeke, Julia Ekstrom and Louise Bedsworth. 2018. “Climate Information? Embedding Climate Futures within Temporalities of California Water Management.” Environmental Sociology 4(4): 419-433.

Baker, Zeke. 2018. “Meteorological Frontiers: Climate Knowledge, the West, and US Statecraft, 1800-1850.” Social Science History 42(4): 731-761.

  • A PDF copy of the article is available here.

Baker, Zeke. 2017. “Climate State: Science-State Struggles and the Formation of Climate Science in the US from the 1930s to 1960s.” Social Studies of Science 47(6): 861-887.

  • A PDF copy of the article is available: see here.

*For additional publications, see my CV.

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